Peace is the inner nature of humankind. If you find it within yourself, you will then find it everywhere.
— Ramana Maharishi

Workshops on spiritual wisdom and practice:

Spiritual life is the most rewarding and worthwhile undertaking of a lifetime, but it is also a challenging journey, requiring knowledge and guidance. The workshops are offered with the aim to ignite interest in spiritual exploration, share yogic wisdom and support spiritual seekers. The sessions foster a greater understanding, bring about deep insights and provide practical tools for spiritual development. They create a nurturing environment, allowing both openness and expansion to blossom.

We are currently facing global, social and individual challenges that can be resolved only by embracing a holistic and integrated way of being. It is the path of spiritual living that restores harmony and well being in our lives. Yogic teachings offer us not only theoretical wisdom, but also practical tools to integrate and develop all aspects of ourselves, with the goal of realizing our spiritual essence.

Your school, spiritual community, religious institution, or groups of friends could greatly benefit from one of the following workshops, or talks, to be offered at your facility. Please search through the lists in the next pages for any subject that may be of interest to your group, or contact me to discuss an event focusing on a spiritual subject not listed here.

“I love yoga theory sessions with Ziv! I always leave with a new gem or two about what it is to be human or how things are interconnected. But most importantly, he gives me skills to be open to the wisdom of all that surrounds me and to be a better observer of who I am.” G.G.