“What you are seeking is also seeking you.”
List of Workshops
- The Science of Spiritual Practice #1 (4 session workshop)
- The Science of Spiritual Practice #2 (4 session workshop)
- The Quest for Happiness (2 or 4 session workshop)
- Emotional Well Being through Yoga (daylong, or a 4 session workshop)
- Yogic Meditation Course (4 session workshop)
- The Yoga of Wisdom – Introduction To Vedanta (4 session workshop)
- The Yoga of Devotion and The Yoga of Action (4 session workshop)
- Integral Spiritual Development – Introduction to Raja Yoga (4 session workshop)
- Introduction to Yoga Psychology (4 session workshop)
- The Goal of Life (a talk or day long workshop)
- Freedom from Conditional Thinking (a talk or a 4 session workshop)
- “Mind: Its Mystery and Control” (daylong or 4 session workshop)
- A Day of Joyous Being (daylong workshop)
- Spiritual Poetry and Music (a 2 sessions workshop)
For scheduling and cost please contact me.
Note: each session is 75 minutes long.